Looking to the future development trend of bamboo slave status machine

admin /

14 Apr, 2016
China is the production of bamboo big country, but also the use of disposable chopsticks, prod the country, diverse population destined to use our disposable items sold, this time you need a variety of production machinery and disposable items, such as bamboo sticks machine, toothpick machine chopsticks machines, etc. products.
Market demand for very large one-time items, bamboo chopsticks on the market in terms of supply-side market has been a gap in the market is large, you can open a portion of sales in the local market, our company can also provide you with a portion of sales channels!
We are a professional production of various disposable products manufacturer, now many foreign manufacturers have begun to buy our products, but we do not advocate the use of disposable products, the use of disposable products is not conducive to environmental protection, but some essential products, we can reduce the use of.
If you need the price of the machine,please feel free to submit your inquiry, we will reply you with detail ASAP.