Toothpicks in a variety of equipment Installation Precautions production time

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14 Apr, 2016
Toothpicks in a variety of equipment Installation Precautions production time

We are professional toothpick machine manufacturer, our diverse product range, we use barbecue bamboo bamboo products is produced by the machine.
1, to be very careful to avoid the installation arising
1 ) gland should be conducted after the coupling alignment, the bolts should be evenly on the support to prevent deflection of the end face of the gland, with the feeler points, the error is less than 0.05 mm;
2) Check the gland and shaft or sleeve OD with the gap (ie, concentricity), four weeks should be uniform, with a feeler points tolerance is not greater than 0.01 mm.
2, spring compression according to the provisions, does not allow too large or too small phenomenon, requiring error 2.00 mm. Increase over the General Assembly face pressure, the other speed face wear. Too small will cause less than the pressure seal and can not play a role.
3, ring installation beard guarantee mobile and flexible shaft, the ring is pressed against the rear springs should be able to automatically bounce back.
Each machine at work will have a lot of problems in the installation will have what the problem? We hope that our products do more and better, you are welcome to buy our products.
If you need the price of the machine,please feel free to submit your inquiry, we will reply you with detail ASAP.